How to activate your user account in Breeze

Here is an guide of how to activate a user accounts in Breeze portal for the first time. Those who have previously used other/old ordering portal for ID credentials, your password do not work in the Breeze portal, and you have to set a new password during this activation process.

If you already have a portal account in Breeze you will be asked if you accept to also have access to the new tenant in the portal. All roles and tasks are individually set in the portal you have access to, and it could be that switching between tenants in Breeze makes you log on again using a more secure log in process (MFA or BankID) depending on the security level the tenant have in their portal.

An automatic email with an activation link from the Breeze portal is sent to the user's registered email address when a new account is created in the portal. The email specifies which portal the user will have access to, as shown in Figure 1 below. The sender's email address, appearance, and logo may vary depending on the partner; however, the language in the email with the activation link is set to follow the partners office location.

When the 'ACTIVATE ACCOUNT' button in the email is clicked, you are taken to an activation page in Breeze portal. The link can be reused until the account is activated, deactivated or deleted by the portal administrator.

You have the possibility to choose which language you want to read the password information in, by clicking on the globe icon in the top right corner of the activation page.

It's important that your password follow the requirements set in the system:

Accepted characters are:
0-9, a-z, A-Z, and the following special characters: !@#$%^&*?(){}=

This means no æøå or other Nordic special characters are allowed.

The password must be a minimum of 8 characters long.

The password must contain at least one letter, one number, and one special character.
Note: Special characters are one or more of the following: !@#$%^&*?(){}=

If you do not follow these instructions on the activation page, the "ACTIVATE MY ACCOUNT!" button will not be enabled.

If the activation link in the email is used, after the account has been activated, the text indicating that the link is invalid will be displayed.

Password is accepted, you get two green checks, and the ACTIVATE MY ACCOUNT! button is enabled.

Sample mail with activation link, logo and sender may variate with partner.

Password is not fulfilling the requirements, the checks is not green. Both have to be green before the ACTIVATE MY ACCOUNT! button is enabled.


How to use Duo ID - cardholder


Add or change a user in Breeze.