Breeze ID updates

Continuous updates and the introduction of new features within the Breeze portal offer a range of advantages that go beyond mere convenience. With each update, users can experience improved efficiency, streamlined processes, and enhanced security protocols. The user experience is elevated, ensuring both administrators and users can navigate the portal with ease. Furthermore, these updates enable tailoring the portal to individual needs, offering a level of flexibility that adapts to changing requirements.

These enhancements translate to cost savings, as automation and efficiency minimize resource expenditure. Time is a valuable asset, and these updates aim to save it by simplifying administrative tasks. Enhanced reporting capabilities provide valuable insights into user activities and relevant data. Moreover, remaining up-to-date ensures compliance with the latest regulations and guidelines, reinforcing the portal's reliability and trustworthiness. By adopting the latest technology and features, organizations can stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Here you will find information about updates and new features in the Breeze ID portal. If you have questions or need information about the solution, please contact us. Please enjoy new the features!

23.10.31 - 1.8.0

  • In this new release 1.8.0 of Breeze, we are introducing 3 new feature for login that is more convenient for users with 2FA and no email client on the production PC. We also have added the possibility to use BankID to secure the login process for card administration of high-security cards. French language is now supported, and some more improvements is added. Please enjoy!

  • In order to make login available for users who order and produce cards on a PC without an email client, 2FA can be achieved with a six-digit authentication code for login. This, in combination with the username and password, ensures that the data in the portal is well-secured.

  • In addition to 2FA with email links, it is also possible with this new version of Breeze to authenticate administrators using Norwegian and Swedish BankID. This provides even higher security and is available for all those who need access to order cards in the portal. This is an option that can be added for anyone who requires access to the portal, and there are additional costs associated with this service.

    After the initial synchronization of the user with the BankID service, the user will continue to use BankID as the login method to access their work processes in Breeze.

  • With this implementation a new feature that allows users to fetch data from external sources/APIs when ordering a Credential.

    For even more secure identity management in Breeze, we now offer the option to perform lookups using personal identification numbers in the national population registers of Norway and Sweden. The first implementation of this feature is to fetch data from the Swedish population registry (SPAR). This will allow users to fetch data from SPAR when ordering a Credential, reducing the need to enter data manually, as well as ensuring that the data is correct and valid.

    Configuration of the external source/API and mapping of the data is currently only available to system administrators, but this will be expanded in future releases. Configuration of mapped template fields and is available to users with the required roles of System Administrator + Production - Create Layouts. Fields may be required or optional, locked or editable, and the data may be mapped to any field in the Credential Data.

    More documentation on this feature will be available.

  • Say Bonjour to Our New French Translations!

    We are excited to announce that we have added French translations to the Breeze ID system. This new feature will provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for our French-speaking users, while also ensuring that the system remains accessible to a wider audience.

  • This release introduces a new feature that allows users to be associated with multiple tenants. This feature is currently in preview and will be expanded in future releases. A user can now be added/invited to multiple tenants. This will allow the user to switch between tenants without having to log out and log in again (unless the tenant requires a different login method).

    User settings will not be shared between tenants, so the user can have different settings for each tenant. The user may select the default tenant to log in to, and this will be the tenant that is selected when the user logs in. If they have access to multiple tenants, they can switch between them using the tenant selector in the top right corner (not yet implemented).

  • Card Design logo upload
    Users with the required roles of System Administrator + Production - Create Layouts can now upload a logo to the Card Design (not via CardSDK). This can then either be mapped into the Card Layout in Card SDK or be exported as a separate image for use in other external production systems.
    This also makes it easy to utilize templates of card designs where one only needs to upload the logo.

    Template text field default value

    Users with the required roles of System Administrator + Production - Create Layouts can now set a default value for text fields in a Card Template. This field can further be locked and/or hidden to prevent users from changing the value when ordering a Credential.

    This functionality can also be beneficial in situations where a field typically contains the same value, with only a few exceptions where the requester needs to alter it to something different. In these cases, the default value is set, but the field is not locked, allowing for necessary modifications.

    Enhanced Data Organization
    It is now possible to add explanatory headings and groupings on the registration page to indicate, for example, which data should be used where, if it's not intended for use on the ID carrier.

    Template field separators
    We now have the option to add separators between fields in a Card Template. This will make it easier to distinguish between fields and provide a better overview of the data. This feature is available to users with the required roles of System Administrator + Production - Create Layouts and can be found in the field translation settings.

    Added language selector to the front page
    The front page now has a language selector that allows the user to select the language they want to use. Added to the top right corner of the page, next to the login button.

    Signatures in Layout previews
    Instead of showing a person's silhouette in the layout previews where a signature is used, a signature mockup will be shown.

    Duo ID requests counter
    The number of pending Duo ID requests will now be displayed in the menu.

    Order Shipment Date
    Added "shipped" date to cart/order query, and display this instead of estimated shipment date, if available

    Approval request improvements
    Added person photo 2 and person signature to the approval request overview. Also fixed translation of fields to properly display the custom translations instead of the default translations.

23.08.09 - 1.7.0

  • In the exciting new release 1.7.0 of Breeze, we've introduced innovative features, made significant improvements, and fixed existing bugs to enhance the overall user experience. Key highlights include the beta launch of Duo ID, aimed at streamlining the Credential creation process by empowering end-users to take control of their information. Admin users are given more flexibility and control with features like Sort Credential Templates and the ability to perform bulk actions on multiple Credentials.

    We've also made performance enhancements such as caching address data from external APIs to accelerate the checkout process, and added new functionalities like marking orders as partially shipped. Smaller improvements and essential bug fixes round off this update, all contributing to a more productive, efficient, and satisfying experience for users at all levels.

    With an emphasis on collaboration, efficiency, and user empowerment, version 1.7.0 sets a new standard for managing Credentials within your organization. Dive into the details below to learn more about how these updates can facilitate your workflow.

  • We are excited to introduce Duo ID in beta, aiming to address the photo problem faced by admins and companies during Credential creation. With Duo ID, employees can now take charge of uploading or capturing their photos, significantly streamlining the process

    Features Introduced:

    Streamlined Ordering Process: With Duo ID, admins can now initiate a new Credential/ID-card request using the "Start a new Duo ID Request." This flow aligns closely with the existing ordering process, reducing the learning curve for admins.

    End-User Engagement: By sending a one-time, secure link to the end-user's email, Duo ID empowers them to fill in the necessary fields, including uploading their photo. This delegation of tasks eases the workload for admins and accelerates the Credential creation process.

    User-Friendly Interface: The end-user can easily complete the form, with a preview of the Credential offered to ensure accuracy before submission.

    Approval Workflow: Admins receive notification emails regarding submitted requests, and they can then approve, reject, or amend these requests. Rejection reasons can be sent to the end-users, and approved Credentials are added to the admin's cart for normal order completion.

    Use Case Scenarios: Duo ID has been designed with specific scenarios in mind, including mass ID-card updates, onboarding processes, and visitor cards creation.


    Time and Cost Efficiency: By enabling employees to enter their data and upload photos themselves, DuoID saves both time and money for the organization. Enhanced Collaboration: The seamless interaction between admins, orderers, and end-users creates a more efficient and responsive Credential creation process. User Empowerment: With the intuitive form and Credential preview, end-users have control over their data and appearance on the ID card, reducing errors and increasing satisfaction.

  • User with `System Administrator` + `Warehouse Operator` roles can now print address labels directly from the Order Details page.

    An address label must be configured on each domain where this feature is to be used.

    The address label prints the label using the CardSDK integration. A printer named "AddressLabelPrinter" must be configured in the CardSDK integration.

    The address it self is fetched directly from the order.

  • We introduce a new feature that gives Admin users more control over the display order of Credential Templates within a Tenant.

    With this release, Admin users can now easily reorder Credential Templates, providing a tailored experience for all users of the portal.

    Key Features:

    Custom Template Order: Admin users can change the order in which Credential Templates are displayed within their Tenant.

    This feature allows them to organize the Templates according to their preferences, ensuring a more efficient and intuitive user experience.

    Tenant-Wide Impact: Any changes made to the order of Credential Templates will apply to all users within the Tenant.

    This centralized approach streamlines the Template selection process for everyone accessing the portal.

    User-Friendly Interface: The ordering process is made simple and interactive. Admins can access the "Order new Credential" page and, if the

    Tenant contains multiple Credential Templates, a button to change the order will be visible.

    Clicking the button opens a dialog where the user can easily sort the list using drag and drop or the up/down buttons.

  • With this release, we have implemented a caching mechanism for address data obtained from external APIs, including BRING. This new feature improves the performance and reduces waiting time during the checkout process.

    Key Improvements:

    Faster Checkout Experience: The address data retrieved from external APIs, like BRING, is now stored in the Breeze backend database. This ensures faster access to frequently used addresses during the checkout flow.

    Up-to-Date Address Information: Whenever a user utilizes an address during the checkout process, the address details will be automatically updated in the background. This guarantees that the address information is always accurate and up to date.

    This new caching mechanism significantly enhances the efficiency of our system, resulting in a smoother and more seamless checkout experience for all users.

  • With this release, production operators can now produce a Credential directly from the Credential Details page, eliminating the need to navigate to the Production Module. The action is available for Credentials in the In production state via a button on the Credential Details page.

    Required roles: System Administrator + Production Operator

  • We are introducing a useful enhancement to the Quality Check Module that allows users to conveniently view Credential Template details directly from within the module.

    This update simplifies the review process and provides quick access to essential information.

    Key Features:

    Streamlined Template View: Users can now access a list of Credential Templates associated with the Credentials in the Quality Check Module.

    Clicking on any template will display its details, providing users with valuable insights.

    Improved Usability: Selecting an item in the Quality Check list will automatically focus on the corresponding template in the list, enhancing navigation and efficiency.

    On-the-Fly Template Editing: Users can make modifications to Credential Templates directly from this view, enabling real-time updates to align with specific Credential requirements.

  • With this release, users can now perform a Quality Check on a Credential directly from the Credential Details page, eliminating the need to navigate to the Order Details page.

    This works even if the Order is not in the Quality Check state.

    Required roles: System Administrator + Quality Controller

  • With this release, these users can now mark an order as partially shipped, providing greater flexibility in managing order fulfillment.

    Users with the relevant roles of System Administrator + Warehouse Operator can now mark an order as partially shipped directly from the Order Details page.

    This feature empowers our administrators and warehouse operators to efficiently handle orders that require multiple shipments.

    To ensure effective communication and clarity, users must leave a comment while marking an order as partially shipped.

    This comment enables seamless coordination between teams and serves as a reference for future actions related to the order.

    While this feature is introduced at a basic level, we will further enhance its capabilities in upcoming releases.

  • StatisticsActiveTenants - Returns the number of active tenants in a Tenants structure. A Tenant must have at least one active user to be considered active.

    StatisticsActiveTenantsInDomain - Returns the number of active tenants in a domain. A Tenant must have at least one active user to be considered active.

    • Ctrl+Click to open Order in a new tab from Order History table

    • A link directly to the order will now be available in the Approval Module. This opens the order details in a new tab.

    • 2 new data fields for Credentials: personPhoneNumber and personMobilePhoneNumber. These fields are now available in the Card Layouts and Card Templates.

    • Fixed bug where changing the MFA setting on a Tenant did not display the correct status.

    • Fixed a bug where it was possible to delete a carrier even if it was in use.

    • Now hides "Add product" button on Order if the state is not eligible for adding products.

    • Now hides "Edit item" button on Order Item if the state is not eligible for editing the product.

    • Fixed bug where "Edit Data" module crashed if any date fields had custom translations.

23.07.23 - 1.6.1

  • Users with the required roles of Super Administrator can now delete a user address from the user details page.

    User may also delete their own address even if they do not have the required roles.

    This new feature can be accessed from the user details page.

  • Card Images are now available for the Carrier. This makes it possible to print the card image on the carrier. The field names for the images that will be available in CardSDK Designer and can be added to the carrier are:

    • cardFrontPage

    • cardBackPage

  • Users with the required roles of Super Administrator and User Administration can now enable remote API access on users. The remote API access enables API users to create orders/credentials on behalf of the user.

    The remote API access can be enabled/disabled from the user details page.

  • A Card Template can now be configured to utilize an additional photo when ordering a Credential. This feature is useful when a Credential requires two photos, such as a photo of the front and back of a person's head.

  • A Card Template can now be configured to utilize a person signature when ordering a Credential. This can either be uploaded as a file or captured using a signature pad.

  • Users can now capture a photo using a webcam when ordering a Credential on a desktop computer. The user must allow the browser to access the webcam.

  • Users with the required roles of System Administrator + Warehouse Operator can now add items to an order from the order details page.

    The order must be in one of the following statuses:

    • In production

    • Partly shipped

    • Shipped

    • Packing

    • Pending

    • Quality check

  • We have implemented a new feature that enables system administrators to add a delay on production devices within the system. This functionality is designed to address an issue encountered with certain devices, where the SDK is not fully optimized and may send the next job in the queue before the previous one has finished.

    With this enhancement, system administrators now have the authority to specify a delay for production devices. By configuring this delay, the system will automatically wait for the specified amount of time before sending the next item to the device. This ensures that adequate time is provided for each job to complete before the next one is initiated.

  • Users with the required roles of Super Administrator can now edit the order reference on the order details page. Users can also modify their own order reference even if they do not have the required roles.

    The order cannot be in one of the following statuses:

    • invoiced

    • cancelled

    • rejected

  • The front page has been updated with a new design and new text.

  • A check has been added to the login page to ensure that cookies are enabled. If cookies are disabled, the user will be displayed a message with a link to the help page (/docs/cookies-disabled)

  • When viewing a number range, the user will now see a list of tenants using the range. This will help the user to identify by whom the range is being used and if it is safe to delete the range.

    The user will be able to navigate to the tenant clicking on the icon next to the tenant name.

  • Delivery list

    Reduced font size to allow more information to be displayed on the paper.
    Added Tenant name to the delivery list (below the order number).

    View order reference on the order details page

    The order reference is now displayed on the order details page.

    Login - Email address validation

    The email address field on the login page will now be validated to ensure that the user enters a valid email address before submitting the form.

    Trim whitespace in Credential personFirstName and personLastName

    When creating or updating a Credential, the system will now trim any whitespace from the personFirstName and personLastName fields.

    Add items to order from the order details page

    Users with the required roles of System Administrator + Warehouse Operator can now add items to an order from the order details page.

    The order must be in one of the following statuses:

    • In production

    • Partly shipped

    • Shipped

    • Packing

    • Pending

    • Quality check

    New Formula: C-1000

    The Corporate-1000 formula has been added to the system, providing users with the ability to generate a C-1000 compatible card number.

22.09.09 - 1.5.0

  • New functionality added for local card production at Partner og End customer

  • New functionality added for "World-wide shipping"

    • Shipping address from/to other countries

    • Ability to adapt transport methods to Partner/Country

  • Added possibility to read out HID Prox number from card during production

    • Implemented the use of TypeScript in the frontend

    • Upgraded the frontend to Next.js 12.1

    • Adapted for automated testing in the frontend

    • Moved Sentry to Breeze Azure cloud

    • Activated Sentry performance tracker

    • Possibility to delete a ID carriere in web portal

    • Added possibiliy for manual encoding of ID carrier. Eg. if end user orders keyfobs with custom encoding

    • Possibility to delete a ID carriere in web portal

  • Show/hide deleted users

22.03.24 - 1.4.8

    • New language: Swedish 🔵🟡 (English and Norwegian already available )

  • Functionality for Language selector added

    • Swedish 🔵🟡

    • English

    • Norwegian

    Changes in language recognition - based on browser or PC settings

  • Item description
  • Item description
  • Mark orders as "Shipped" from the order page

22.03.07 - 1.4.7

  • Added functionality for facilitating a simpler invoicing process for our partners

  • Adding possibility for Sub tenants - customers and partneres with multiple branch offices

  • Added new status for orders containing only non personalized products (accessories and print supplies)

22.03.02 - 1.4.6

  • Added functionality in frontend:

    • Show a user's highest role in the user list

    • Show the user's shipping addresses on the user profile

    • Activation of MFA at the portal level

    • Added HoloKote and Lamination to Card design and template

  • Added functionality in backend:

    • Support for Avarn Security DESFire format in formulas

    • Support for Hedengren DESFire format in formulas

22.02.22 - 1.4.5

  • Added enabling MFA on user account

  • Possibility to enlarge the image of the card on the order page and ID carrier page

  • Added shortcut to My Orders in the Tenant menu

  • ➡ Fixed error that occurred in older browsers with javascript function that was not supported

22.02.14- 1.4.4

  • Updated order window to show freight cost (need correct role)

  • Change table view on multiple pages

  • Show who has placed the order in the ID-carrier list

22.02.04 - 1.4.3

  • Added automatic carrier print( eg. A4 paper print) with custom card and prersonal data, incl. postal address if used

  • Improved the “ctrl+B” search functionality

  • Added order reference field to check out process, can be set as mandatory by administrator

  • Updated the Delivery list to include Order reference field from check out process

22.01.24 - 1.4.2

    • Portal list improved

    • Ability to move a portal to another portal

    • Ability to search for products

    • Translation of status on ID holder

    • Changed translation for "shopping cart"

    • Changes to the shopping cart

22.01.20 - 1.4.1

  • Added more possibilities to use formulas and multiple number series within the same formula

  • Added the possibility to use a formula utilizing the Luhn calculation proces

  • Added functionality in the web GUI to manage products and supplies at the domain level

22.01.16 - 1.4.0

  • Added AMR Request - functionality for portal users to send request to their portal supplier or access control administrator

    • Access group changes

    • PIN changes

    • Activation and deactivation time

  • New data fields available for automatic update with Portal information

  • Adding phone number automatic to check out process

  • Added possibility to use formulaes for calculation of RFID and MAG encoding on card template

22.09.21 - 1.5.1

  • Mini-release to enable the use of custom formulas on number series for RFID coding. Until now, we have had pre-defined formulas, and a new version has been required every time we needed a new formula. With this update, this can be done without the need for development and release.

22.09.22 - 1.5.2

  • Upgraded the magnetic stripe encoding functionality by adding support for Card SDK magnetic stripe encoding through integrated DSC file encoding

22.09.22 - 1.5.3

  • Added a feature for "bulk-checking" images in the production module.

22.10.17 - 1.5.4

  • Added support for the use of international phone numbers.

  • New RFID (LF/EM) calculation added for Axema access control

  • Added RFID (HF/Mifare) calculation for HS24 - Access control format

22.10.23 - 1.5.5

  • Added support for batch reproduction of cards

  • Added the ability to perform formula recalculations while retaining previously assigned sequence numbers

22.10.30 - 1.5.6

  • In order to be GDPR compliant, the integrated email partner has been changed to Brevo, which has EU affiliation

22.12.21 - 1.5.7 🎅🤶

  • Improved order loading (also known as pagination). Thanks to pagination, we can split our large dataset into chunks ( or pages ) that we can gradually fetch and display to the user, thus reducing the load on the database, and increasing load time on the pages with much data ⚡

  • Navigate between pages using arrow keys.

    Navigate to the last page by pressing Ctrl + right arrow key ▶

    Navigate to the first page by pressing Ctrl + left arrow key ◀

    Adjust column size by clicking and holding the right margin of the column title.

  • Previously, you could only search for portals in "Quick Search" (ctrl+b). Now, it has been updated to also allow searching for users or orders. After pressing Ctrl+B in Breeze, you can use the TAB key to switch the search mode between the three variants: "Portals," "Users," and "Orders," or press one of the three buttons.
    NOTE! "Orders" will not be available if you are not an administrator at the production site of the system domain.

    When searching for users, the search term is their email address. For orders, it must be the exact order number. For portals, you will still search by name.

23.01.09 - 1.5.8

  • Added the HF 5 Byte LSB DEC format to be logged and printed on cards.

23.01.30 - 1.5.9

  • It's now possible to move users between Tenants with the Administrator + User Administration role.

    The button is located next to "Edit user details" button and is only visible if the user has the correct role and there's more than one Tenant available.

    The drop-down list only shows Tenants within the same domain and uses auto-complete so you can type in the portal name to search and select.

  • Possibility to delete number ranges in GUI is added

    Necessary roles: System Administrator + Production - Create Layouts

    Note: a number range can only be deleted if it is not in use on a template. Breeze will give an error message if it is in use.

  • Added possibility to delete Encoding templates in GUI.
    Necessary roles: System Administrator + Production - Create Layouts

    Note: an Encoding template can only be deleted if it is not in use on a card-template. Breeze will give an error message if it is in use

  • By clicking on the icon next to addresses in the Tenant settings page, the address (including the Breeze _id) will be copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into, for example, Notepad using Ctrl+V.

  • Added a new data field Person - Email that can be used in Card Layouts and Card Templates, and replace usage of Xtra field.

  • It is now possible to modify data related on an Credential if something needs to be corrected and/or added manually.
    Required roles: System Administrator + Production Operator

    Only possible to modify Credentials when the status is one of:

    • in_order

    • quality_check

    • in_production

    The action can be performed from 2 places:

    • From the Credential details page

    • From the Production module

    The fields are grouped into "input data", "serial number data" and "RFID data". Click on the tabs to switch between the groups. You can also choose to create a new preview by using the toggle switch Create preview.

  • From the Credentials list, you can now use a button to export Credential data to Excel.
    Required roles:

    • System Administrator + Data Exporter

    Go to Tenant -> Manage Credentials and search for the relevant Credentials (e.g. search by Order Number). Then use the button to export.
    NOTE! Depending on the amount of Credentials, it may take a long time for the list to download (be patient and do not press multiple times!)

  • The Credentials export feature allows for exporting Credentials data from Breeze on request. Sotera personnel, with the necessary permissions, can export data of Credentials with specified statuses for specific Tenants. Once the request is handled, the user who made the request will receive an email with a link to download a ZIP file containing the data.
    The ZIP file includes

    • Excel file

    • CSV file

    • Images of the front and back of each card

    • Images of the Credential photos (if any) on each card.

    The link in the email is valid for 10 days.

  • Show person photo on the Credential details page

    Added display of personal photo on Credential page. A photo of the person (if available) is now displayed as a separate image on the ID carrier page. On this image, you can right-click and "Save as".

    Button to select all or deselect selected when removing backgrounds

    In the production module when removing backgrounds on multiple images at once, you can now use a button to select all images or deselect selected images.

    Display Portal name in browser tab

    The name of the current portal is now displayed in the browser tab and changes as you switch portals.

    Modify User Roles

    Improved and made the "Modify Roles" pop-up dialog more clear and user-friendly.

    Translation of User Roles

    User roles have been translated on both the user profile page and the "Modify Roles" dialog for improved clarity and ease of use.

    Improvements in the approval module

    Added a "close" button - previously it was only possible to close the dialog using the ESC button. A dedicated button is now in place.

    Toggle to hide/show already handled items in the request. This option is saved in the browser for the user and remembered for the next time.

    When an item is handled, it will now automatically jump to the next item that needs review.

    Added missing translations.

    Improvement to the overview of Number Range

    Using "pagination" for faster loading of number range. The table has been updated to match the latest model.

    You can now filter by name, site code, and prefix.

    The URL will now contain the number range ID when opened for editing. This makes it possible to link directly to a number range.

    Quality Control

    The Quality Control module has been re-designed to provide better visibility and easier handling of cards, especially when there are many of them.

    • Fixed errors/missing translations in the Pre-Production order list.

    • Added missing status to filters in the Invoicing module. The "Quality Control" status was missing.

    • "Edit" and "Delete" buttons are now disabled if the number range belongs to another Tenant (and therefore cannot be edited from the current Tenant).

    • When adding number ranges from another Tenant, number ranges that have already been added will now be hidden.

    • Fixed an issue where permissions were only checked for the first number range in a template.

    • After typing in the email address and/or password, pressing Enter will now take you to the next step.

    • It is no longer possible to run "Password reset" on a user who is not active.

23.04.17 - 1.6.0

  • It is now possible to create and issue Mobile Credentials (Mobile ID) from Breeze. The Mobile ID is a virtual access card integrated towards STid reader and the STid Mobile App. When a mobile ID has been provisioned, the user can use the STid Mobile App to open doors and perform other actions. After setting up a Mobile Credential Template, this will be available in the "Order new Credential" page and can then be ordered like any other Card Template.

    Depending on how the template is configured, the user will either receive the Mobile ID straight after checking out a cart, or it can be provisioned later when the production site prepares the order. The user will receive an email with a link to the STid Mobile App. The Mobile ID may be revoked at any time from the Credential details page in Breeze. Revoking a Mobile ID will remove the vCard from the STid Mobile App and the user will no longer have access to the doors.

    This feature must be enabled on the Domain by the domain administrator. An account must be created in the STid Portal

  • The Order History role has been added to the system, providing users with controlled access to the order history page.

    This new role will allow for more granular access control and security, ensuring that only authorized users have the ability to view and manage the order history page.

  • Users with the required roles of System Administrator + Warehouse Operator can now change the product and quantity of a cart-item.

    This new feature can be accessed from the Order details page and is available for cart-items with the following statuses:

    • 'waiting_for_approval',

    • 'pending',

    • 'in_production',

    • 'partly-shipped',

    • 'shipped',

    • 'packing'

    This enhancement will provide greater flexibility and control over order processing, allowing authorized users to modify cart-items as needed.

  • A new photo cropping tool has been added to "Order new Credentials" flow. This provides some additional functionality compared to the old tool:

    • The user can now zoom in and out of the image.

    • The tool will try to automatically detect the face of the person and crop the image to the face.

    • The user can adjust color, brightness, contrast, saturation, temperature, exposure, gamma, clarity and vignette.

    • A set of filters can be applied to the image.

    • The image can be flipped (mirror) horizontally.

    • The image can be rotated at any angle.

  • All new Credentials will now have the following fields and a value by default:

    • credentialNumber

    • credentialOrderDate

    • cardOrderDate (legacy support - you should use credentialOrderDate instead)

    All these fields will now be available to use in the Card Layouts and Card Templates.

  • Users can now administer system domains directly from the frontend interface with the required roles of System Administrator + Domain Administration.

    A new entry in the menu will direct users to a list of all the system domains they have access to, where they can then navigate to the specific domain they want to change settings on. This enhancement will provide greater accessibility and ease-of-use for managing system domains, allowing users with the appropriate roles to quickly navigate to the domain they need to modify. On the domain settings page, users with the appropriate roles will now have the ability to activate or deactivate specific features and functionality for the selected domain.

    Examples of these features include:

    • Mobile ID

    • Local production

    • Approval Module

    • AMR Requests

    One will also be able to modify the default products for the domain.

    More features will be added to this page in the future.

  • Introducing the Combined formula, which uses a Template String to calculate the data in a customizable way. A Template String is a type of text string that combines static text and references to variables or fields, enclosed in curly brackets, to create a customized output.

  • New User Groups functionality has been added to the system, providing additional levels of access control and security.

    This enhancement allows for the creation of groups of users with specific access privileges, such as the ability to order certain card templates. While the functionality of User Groups is limited in this release, it will be expanded in future releases to provide even greater flexibility and control over user permissions and access levels.

    These enhancements will help ensure that the system remains secure and that users have access only to the resources and functionality they need to perform their specific tasks. Combined with the already existing Role-based access control, this new feature will add additional layers of security to the system.

  • A new functionality has been added to the system to easily order a new credential in case an existing one is lost or needs to be replaced.

    Users can now perform this function from the Credential Details page, which will initiate the ordering process for a new credential using data from the existing credential. Once the new credential is submitted and added to the cart, the status of the existing credential will be updated to replaced. This enhancement will make it easier for users to replace lost or damaged credentials, while also ensuring that the system maintains accurate records of Credential status and history.

  • A new functionality has been added to the frontend GUI that allows users with the Admin + User Administration roles to delete users from the system.

    Users must confirm the deletion by entering the email of the user to be deleted in a dialog box that pops up. Additionally, users can also delete themselves from the system, even without the appropriate roles.

    Once a user is deleted, an email will be sent to them to notify them of the action.

    This enhancement provides greater control over the management of user accounts, ensuring that the system remains secure and up-to-date.

    With this new feature, users with the appropriate roles can easily delete users from the system, while also ensuring that the deleted user is properly notified of the action.

    The irreversible nature of this action makes it important for users to exercise caution when using this new functionality.

  • A new functionality has been added to the frontend GUI that allows users with the Admin + User Administration roles to deactivate and reactivate users from the system.

    Deactivated users will not be able to log in to the system, but their data will remain in the system.

    Once a user is deactivated/reactivated, an email will be sent to them to notify them of the action.

    We are pleased to announce the addition of a new functionality to the frontend GUI that enables users with the Admin + User Administration roles to deactivate and reactivate users in the system.

    This feature will enable admins to have more control over the user management process. With this new functionality, deactivated users will no longer be able to log in to the system, but their data will remain in the system. This means that admins can disable user access while retaining their data for future reference. Once a user is deactivated or reactivated, an email will be sent to them to notify them of the action taken.

    To use this functionality, users with the necessary roles can simply navigate to the Users profile page and select the appropriate task from the actions list.

  • We are excited to announce that we have refurbished our public-facing API and improved its documentation to make it more user-friendly. The API is now built on the GraphQL protocol and designed to reduce overhead and improve performance. It offers a comprehensive list of objects, types, and fields available in the API through its schema reference.

    To make it easier for users to interact with the API, we have added a web-based interface called Explorer. This interface allows users to test and run queries and mutations interactively, and explore the API's functionality quickly.

    The API docs are now available at

  • We have added a new partner theme for Låssenteret, which is now available in Breeze ID.

    The domain for the theme is, and for the test environment, it is

    The Låssenteret theme provides a customized user interface tailored specifically for Låssenteret's branding and user experience. With this new theme, Låssenteret's customers can seamlessly navigate and interact with the Breeze ID system while enjoying a consistent and familiar visual experience.

  • Rewrite of the "Order new Credential" flow

    The "Order new Credential" flow has been rewritten to improve the developer experience.

    The flow should be more or less unchanged for the end-user.

    The rewrite has been done to make it easier to add new features to the flow.

    Credential Details page redesign

    The Credential Details page has been redesigned to improve the user experience.

    Role list

    Role list is now sorted based on importance/level, with the most important roles listed first.

    Icons have been updated to better differentiate between role-level and task-role.

    These enhancements will provide a better user experience by making it easier to identify and manage roles based on their importance/level.

    Additionally, the updated icons will provide a more intuitive way to distinguish between different types of roles.

    Adding same product to cart

    When adding a product that already exists in the cart, the system will now update the quantity of the existing item instead of adding a new cart-item.

    This enhancement will provide a better user experience by reducing clutter in the cart and making it easier to manage quantities of products.

    Approval Requests improvements

    Refetch the Approval request list after a request has been approved or rejected. This will update the list with the latest status of the request and handled requests will be removed from the list.

    Improvement to the overview of Encoding templates

    Using "pagination" for faster loading of Encoding Templates. The table has been updated to match the latest model.

    Removed the old "card-style" view of the Encoding templates.

    You can now filter by name, data-format and chip type.

    The URL will now contain the Encoding ID when opened for editing. This makes it possible to link directly to a Encoding template.

    The same style and table now applies when adding a new Encoding template to a Card template.

    Quality Control Improvement

    Added First Name and Last Name as primary text, and card template as secondary text on Credentials in the list of cards to process.

    Improved Quality Check feature with a new dropdown to filter by template name in the list of Credentials.

    These updates will enhance the quality control process by providing better clarity and organization in the list of Credentials.

    The addition of First Name and Last Name as primary text will help users quickly identify individuals and their associated ID-cards, while the card template filter will provide a more efficient way to sort and manage different types of credentials.

    Improvements to the overview of Credentials

    Implemented pagination for faster loading of Credentials. The table has been updated to match the latest model.

    Added filtering options for Credential number, order number, template name, status, first name, last name, and creator email.

    Improved RFID Data Export functionality by moving the logic to the server and executing the export as a background task. This enhancement will increase the speed and reliability of Excel file generation.

    These updates will provide a more efficient and streamlined process for managing Credentials.

    Pagination and filtering options will help users quickly find and manage the Credentials they need, while the improved RFID Data Export functionality will ensure faster and more reliable data exports.

    Enhanced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Functionality:

    Users can now enable MFA on their own account, providing greater flexibility and control.

    System administrators still have the ability to enable MFA for other users, but can also enforce it on those accounts.

    When MFA is enforced, users will be unable to disable it, ensuring their accounts remain secure.

    Card Template Overview Enhancements

    Encodings have been added to the Card Template Overview, providing a quick way to identify which Encodings are being used.

    This enhancement will help users quickly identify which Encodings are associated with each Card Template, allowing for more efficient management of Card Templates and associated Encodings.

    Link to Number Range Owner (Tenant)

    A new functionality has been added to the list of Number Ranges, allowing users to click on the Tenant that owns a specific Number Range to open the Tenant in a new tab.

    This enhancement will make it easier for users to find and modify Number Ranges since they can only be edited from the Tenant that owns them.

    With this new feature, users can quickly navigate to the relevant Tenant and make any necessary changes to the Number Range, improving the efficiency and accuracy of the process.

    Other improvements:

    The delete button has been reduced in size, not only showing an icon but also a tooltip when hovering over the button.

    Double click on the row to open the drawer to edit the Number Range.

    Edit / Delete button removed from rows where the Number Range is owned by another Tenant.

    A check has been added to the login page to ensure that cookies are enabled. If cookies are disabled, the user will be displayed a message with a link to the help page (/docs/cookies-disabled).

    • Fixed a bug where a login link could be used multiple times within the validity period.

    • Fixed a bug where some Encoding templates could not be deleted even though they were not in use.

    • Batch orders did not display correctly in the Approval Module. This has been fixed.

    • Fixed a bug with copying Card Templates. Card-layouts and encodings are no longer copied unless the "Copy card template elements" checkbox is checked.

    • Fixed bug in Approval Module where handled accessories were not removed from the list (if checkbox "Show handled" was unchecked).

    • Fixed a bug in the Invoice module where the "Actions" menu was not displayed (e.g. to change state from 'packing' to 'shipped').

    • Improved the "Products" list to not reset the page number when a action is performed (e.g. making it available for a Tenant).

    • Fixed a bug where it was possible to enter other characters than numbers in the "Order number" filter field in the My orders module. This resulted in an error message.

    • Hidden the "Order more Credentials" from the cart checkout if no Templates are available for the Tenant.

    • Fixed bug where Template Formulas did not get copied when copying a Card Template.

    • Fixed an issue where empty arrays could not be modified when updating credential data. Previously, empty arrays were stripped out of the variables sent to the backend when modifying credential data. With this fix, empty strings will now be retained if they had a value in the original data, ensuring that arrays can be modified correctly.

23.12.21 - 1.9.0

  • Version 1.9.0 introduces several key updates, including a new logo reflecting the brand identity, expanded multi-tenant account capabilities for seamless switching between tenants, and the ability for System Administrators to create new domains directly from the front end.

    Improvements include enhanced domain customization options and faster loading of Orders and Carts. Security enhancements have been made, including the removal of the "magic link" from multi-factor authentication and the addition of a dedicated authentication server. The update also addresses a variety of bug fixes, enhancing overall system stability and user experience.

  • We are excited to announce that we have updated our logo to better reflect our brand and identity.

  • The feature introduced as a preview in the last release has now been expanded to allow users to be associated with multiple tenants. A user can now be added/invited to multiple tenants. This will allow the user to switch between tenants without having to log out and in again (unless the tenant requires a different login method).

    User settings will not be shared between tenants, so the user can have different settings for each tenant. The user may select the default tenant to log in to, and this will be the tenant that is selected when the user logs in. If they have access to multiple tenants, they can switch between them using the tenant selector in their account menu in the top right corner.

    When you are invited to a new tenant, you will receive an email notification. The next time you log in, you will be asked to accept the invitation. Once you have accepted the invitation, you will be able to switch between tenants using the tenant selector in the top right corner. If you do not select a default tenant, you will be presented with the tenant selector every time you log in.

  • Create new Domain
    Users with the required roles of System Administrator + Domain Administration can now create new domains directly from the frontend interface. This feature can be accessed from the domain list page.

    Edit Domain Logo and Email settings
    Users with the required roles of System Administrator + Domain Administration can now edit the logo and email settings for a domain directly from the frontend interface.

  • We have removed the "magic link" from the multi-factor authentication email. Instead, you will now have to enter the code manually.

    A dedicated authentication server has been added to the system. This will improve the security of the system and make it easier to scale.

  • Changed the icon for the Product Administration item in the menu.

    Removed the legacy "Quality Check" button from the order page.

    Added a "flip" effect to the Credential Previews on smaller screens. Toggles between the front and back of the Credential using a button.

    Improved mass-deletion of Credentials. A maximum of 300 Credentials can now be deleted at once to avoid timeouts.

    Improved the loading of Orders and Carts by lazy loading images and other data. This will make the loading of Orders and Carts faster and reduce the load on the server.

  • Fixed an issue when editing Products using the French language.

    Added missing order information in the Quality Check module.

    Fixed a bug where saving default products on a domain would not work.

    Fixed a bug where the Credential Preview did not display correctly on smaller screens.

    Fixed an issue where sorting of certain fields in the "Manage Credential" list did not work.

    Solved an issue where we were unable to add a Layout to a Mobile Credential Template.

    Fixed some minor translation issues.

    Solved an issue with the Duo ID API endpoint where it would not create default values if set on the Credential Template

    Fixed an issue when using External Lookup on a Credential Template. The External Lookup would not be triggered when ordering a Credential.

    Fixed a bug where cardOrderDate could not be hidden in Credential Templates.

    Added missing status in the "Manage Credentials" list filter.

23.11.13 - 1.8.1

  • This is a Mini-release!

  • Dedicated API mutation to trigger a DuoID request. Option to send email or not.

    This will enable developers to start DuoID requests from external systems.

  • A details page has been created to gain a overview of Approval Requests and their status. All items in the Requests and their status will be displayed. If the item has been rejected; the reject reason will be shown. You will also have the option to re-order any rejected items.

  • - Fixed missing variables in Prio Email. Also did a minor redesign of the email.

    - OIDC (BankID) authentication has been modified to make it more stable.

    - Fixed certain French translations

    - Added missing Mobile Credential statuses to Credentials list

    - Fix bug where users could no longer cancel their own Orders

    - Fixed unstable session handling - users where sometimes logged out too early.

24.02.04 - 1.9.1

  • In this Breeze update, several enhancements and fixes have been implemented to improve system security, usability, and functionality:

    Changed Level of Production Operator Task Role: Production Operator task role has been moved down a level, simplifying access control and enhancing system security.

    Utilization of ImageUploader Component: Integration of ImageUploader component into the Product Drawer streamlines image editing for a more intuitive user experience.

    Restrict API Access: API access is now restricted to /graphql endpoint to manage request rates effectively, ensuring fair usage and system protection.

    Incorporation of Tenant Name into Activation Emails and User Status Change Emails: Tenant name is now included in activation and status change emails for a more personalized experience.

    Enhancements in DuoID Data Registration Page: Displaying Tenant name and template preview enhances user guidance and experience during data registration.

    Regeneration of Delivery List on Addition of New Items: Delivery list now regenerates when new items are added to processed orders, ensuring accuracy in order fulfillment.

    Improvements in PreProd Module: PreProd module has been updated with the latest backend functions, enhancing stability and user experience.

    Bug Fixes: Various bugs have been addressed, including issues with DuoID counter, user movement between Tenants, card design overflow, cart item removal feedback, and missing Swedish text on mobile front page.

    Other Enhancements: Breeze logo in emails has been updated, and package dependencies have been updated to the latest versions.

    These updates aim to enhance security, usability, and reliability across the Breeze platform, providing users with a more efficient and seamless experience.

  • The task role "Production Operator" is now moved down a level from System Administrator or Super Administrator. This means that local production operators do no longer require the same level of access as before. This change will make it easier to manage the access control and security of the system.

    This change aims to enhance security and operational efficiency by providing more appropriate and controlled access levels.

    Users with this Role will still have access to the Production Module and be able to Produce Cards.

  • By integrating the ImageUploader component into the Product Drawer, our goal is to streamline the image editing process in the Breeze platform, ensuring a uniform and user-friendly experience. This enhancement is expected to improve the overall usability of the product management features, making it more intuitive and efficient for users to edit and save images within the platform.

  • API access is now restricted on `/api/graphql (reserved for the GUI and has no rate-limit). All API access should be done via the /graphql endpoint which has rate-limiting.

    Rate limits Overview The rate limiter is implemented to manage and control the rate of requests a user can make to our API. This ensures fair usage and protects the system from abuse and overload. The rate limiting is configured to allow 60 requests per minute per client.

    More details can be found in the ApiDocs.

  • The Tenant name is now included in the user status change emails. This will provide a more personalized and informative experience for users, ensuring that they are aware of the Tenant they are associated with when receiving status change notifications which became a requirement due to the introduction of multi-tenant accounts.

  • The Tenant name and a preview of the selected template are now displayed on the DuoID Data Registration page.

    This enhancement focuses on improving user experience during the DuoID data registration by providing clearer, more informative guidance upfront. By balancing the need for information with a streamlined, user-friendly interface, the goal is to make the registration process more intuitive and reassuring for users.

    Expect more updates and improvements to the DuoID feature in future releases

  • Delivery list will now be regenerated when new items are added to processed orders. This change was necessary for orders that are already in the "in production," "packing," or "quality check" stages, ensuring the delivery list accurately reflects all items before dispatch.

  • Improved the PreProd module to use the latest API functions
    Delivery list will now be regenerated The pre-prod module is now updated to use the latest backend functions. This makes it more stable and has improved error handling.

    The UI is also improved with better feedback, progress feedback, styling/UX and translations.

    Replaced the old Breeze Logo in emails.

    Updated package dependencies to the latest versions.

  • DuoID counter did not reset when requests were handled

    The counter in the menu did not update accordingly when DuoID requests were processed by users. This small bug is now fixed.

    Move User Bug

    After the introduction of the Multi-Tenant feature, there was an issue with moving Users from one Tenant to another. This issue is now resolved.

    GUI Bug - Card design overflow in Production Module

    When using a landscape design, the entire image was not displayed in the Production Module and the Edit button was not visible. This issue is now resolved.

    Bad User Feedback for Item Removal in Cart

    We've updated the cart functionality to hide the remove button and display an 'InProgress' indicator as soon as a user attempts to remove an item. This immediate visual feedback prevents confusion and multiple clicks, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

    Missing Swedish Text on the Front Page (Mobile)

    Some Swedish text was missing from the front page when viewed on mobile devices. This issue is now resolved.

    The text was only informative and did not affect the functionality of the system.

24.04.29 - 1.9.4

  • In this Breeze update, several enhancements and fixes have been implemented to improve system security, usability, and functionality:

    New features

    Document Management for Orders
    This release introduces a document management feature for Orders

    Duo ID-/Approval Module - Photo editing.
    The Approval and Duo ID approval Modules now includes a feature that allows approvers to edit photos directly within the module. This enhancement streamlines the approval process, enabling users to make necessary adjustments to photos before approving them.

    Duo ID-/Approval Module - Photo Background removal
    The Approval and Duo ID approval Modules now includes a feature that allows approvers (with Super administrator role or higher) to remove the background from photos. This enhancement streamlines the approval process, enabling users to edit photos directly within the module.

    Duo ID-/Approval Module - Edit Credential Data
    The Approval and Duo ID approval Modules now includes a feature that allows approvers to edit Credential Data directly within the module.


    Duo ID Registration Page Improvements
    The Duo ID registration page has been updated to provide a more user-friendly and informative experience for users.

    Bug fixes

    Some bug fixes

    Solm minor adjustment for bether float in the registration process

  • This release introduces a document management feature for Orders, accessible to both
    Order owners and Super administrators.
    Users who have this feature enabled in their Domain can now efficiently upload, download, and delete documents related to their orders.
    Documents may be uploaded in various formats, including PDF, Word and Excel files.
    Each order may contain up to 10 documents, with a maximum file size of 10MB per document.

    This feature must be activated on the Domain by an Domain Administrator. Depending on your subscription model, this feature may add additional costs.

  • The Approval and Duo ID approval Modules now includes a feature that allows approvers to edit photos directly within the module. This enhancement streamlines the approval process, enabling users to make necessary adjustments to photos before approving them.

    The introduction of this feature may prevent the rejection of photos due to minor issues, reducing the number of steps required to move from order to production.

  • The Approval and Duo ID approval Modules now includes a feature that allows approvers (with Super administrator role or higher) to remove the background from photos. This enhancement streamlines the approval process, enabling users to edit photos directly within the module.

    The introduction of this feature may prevent the rejection of photos due to background issues, reducing the number of steps required to move from order to production.


    This feature must be activated on the Domain by an Domain Administrator. Depending on your subscription model, this feature may add additional costs.

  • The Approval and Duo ID approval Modules now includes a feature that allows approvers to edit Credential Data directly within the module.

    A new Credential preview will be created when editing the data, allowing the approver to see the changes before approving the request. All Template field rules still apply when editing the data.


    The submitter of the request will NOT be notified of any changes made to the data. If you want to notify the submitter, you must do so manually.

  • The Duo ID registration page has been updated to provide a more user-friendly and informative experience for users.

    The registration flow is now divided into separate steps, making it easier for users to navigate through the process. The steps includes better descriptions and guidance, ensuring that users are aware of the information required at each stage.

    Adjustments for mobile devices have also been made, ensuring that the registration page is fully responsive and accessible on all devices.

  • Photo guidelines have been added to the photo upload step, providing users with clear instructions on how to take a suitable photo for their ID card. Adjustments for mobile devices have also been made, ensuring that the registration page is fully responsive and accessible on all devices.

  • Delegation Approval Requests
    There was a bug when delegation Approval Requests to Tenants further down (or outside) the Tenants scope. This could resolve in Requests not displaying for users that did not have access to the origin Tenant. This is now fixed. (6061897249)

    French translations
    Fixed a few french translations that were missing or incorrect. (6183931277)

    "Select all" checkbox
    Fixed a bug where the "Select all" checkbox in the Manage Credentials List was not working as expected. (5985221966)

    Duo ID approvals CLOSE button
    Fixed a bug where the "Close" button in the Duo ID approvals List floated on top of list elements and was not fixed to the bottom. (5985226158)

    Accesories management
    The list of products in the Tenant Products list was behaving unexpectedly when selecting/deselecting products. This is now fixed. (6265410639)

    Update Credential Data
    Fixed a bug where the Credential Data was not updated correctly when changing the Credential Template during the ordering process. Now making sure to only keep the data that is relevant for the new template. (6265425230)

    Display activation email on userpage
    Fixed a bug where the date for sending activation emails was not correctly set on Users. (6265424008)

    Field order - Card Templae
    In some cases it was not possible to change the field order in the Card Template. This is now fixed. (6265420511)

  • Improved error message when no response from the SPAR API is received.

    The default length of the personPin field in new Card Templates is now set to 4.

    The language selector is now added to the Duo ID registration page.